🖇️ sharing a google doc with you

Hey Reader,

I'm making a private google doc that only people who receive emails from me will be able to see. (That's you!)

It'll have everything you need to decide if becoming a Master IEP Coach®, Educational Consultant, or IEP Advocate is right for you.

Think of it like an in-depth FAQ that you can skim through the table of contents, pick what you need to know, click, and get the answer.

I'm not even going to wait until it's done to share with you.

You can see the first draft tomorrow, but...

to get the first draft done, I need you to send me your questions.

Just hit reply and tell me what you need to know about becoming a Master IEP Coach®, Educational Consultant, or IEP Advocate.

No questions are off-limits. All questions stay anonymous. Ask anything about how much you'll get paid to what kind of training to how to get clients... ASK ANYTHING that you can think of so I can make the most amazing FAQ for you to decide if this is right for you!

Can't wait to get your question,

Master IEP Coach® Mentorship, Founder

P.S. I've been coaching parents and teachers, consulting with schools, speaking on stages, advocating at meetings, creating online courses, publishing a podcast, and so much more as my full-time career, working for myself, for over 25 years. Because this is my "normal" workday, I sometimes forget the details you need to know before you decide to do this, too. Seriously, no question is too small or too big. Please hit reply and ask so I can put your question in the google doc and get it back to you tomorrow!

Master IEP Coach®

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