I probably shouldn't give all this but I can't help it

Until a few weeks ago, I wasn’t going to include the plug-and-play business plan that I use myself and give to seasoned Master IEP Coaches® who want to fill their calendar with parents who need IEP help.

Usually, I reserve these templates for parents and teachers who have already been on their Master IEP Coach® journey for a while, but… after hearing from many that you WANT to become a Master IEP Coach®, but you’re worried about finding clients - I knew I had to include this.

Just to be clear, this is the most value-packed version of the Master IEP Coach® Mentorship I’ve ever released…

This is the very best deal you can get for the Master IEP Mentorship.

  1. I’m hanging onto this enrollment price for as long as I can (it’s been the same since 2017), but that dirty word ‘inflation’ is a real thing. I have no idea what the price may be after September 1st.
  2. Helping parents through the IEP process isn’t going away, my friend, it’s kinda crucial and you could be the exact person a parent is looking for ;)

EVERY Master IEP Coach® needs to be able to fill their calendar with clients.

The question is, will you keep putting off becoming a Master IEP Coach® (AKA a Collaborative IEP Advocate) or will you finally take the leap and start getting paid for your IEP expertise?

…I’m removing all the guesswork and showing you a step-by-step system complete with personalized support from me.

Because here’s the thing.

Crossing your fingers and hoping you’ll somehow finally start making your big dreams of changing Special Education for the better

…won’t make it happen, plain and simple.

Why not head into the rest of this school year with an intentional plan for creating the positive waves that Special Education needs?

Why not join the Master IEP Coach® Mentorship, so you can follow a proven system to get your IEP business up and running, complete with the exact templates that I use in my own business to help hundreds of families each year?

Yes, I want to help parents through the IEP process »

With Hope & Determination Always,

Catherine Whitcher, M.Ed
Master IEP Coach® Mentorship, Founder

P.S. If you sit at an IEP table, you can earn your Master IEP Coach® Certification. First, look at how it works and then if you have any questions, just hit reply and ask!

Master IEP Coach®

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