the 20 min daily habit that launched my IEP Coaching career

If you're sitting at home, heart heavy with the desire to change special education, and feeling like there's no way to make a real difference, then you're in the right place.


Because I'm about to share something that transformed my spark of hope into a career that I never thought possible – one that's changing IEP meeting outcomes every day.

I want to be crystal clear…

This isn't about writing another angry email to the school or venting in parent support groups. No.

It's about a 20-minute daily habit I call "The Parent Connection" – which is exactly what it sounds like.

Just for a minute - forget everything you've heard about IEP advocacy.

Because when I started dedicating just 20 minutes each day to intentionally talking with parents about what they WANT for their child, everything changed.

I went from feeling helpless and frustrated to discovering a whole new way to support families through the IEP process.

But, there's a twist…

It wasn't just about chatting with parents. The real magic happened when I focused on understanding their DREAMS for their children, not just their struggles with the system.

Now, I'm passing this strategy to you.

Try "The Parent Connection" for just one week. (I still do this every day!)

Parents talk to other parents about dreams, not problems in the school system.

Teachers, reach out to parents. (Even though they may think you’re weird for asking because nobody has ever asked them before.)

And then? I want the dirt. 😉

Hit "Reply" and tell me everything. The good, the bad, and the unexpected when you start chatting about dream outcomes in Special Education.

Because here's the deal: this simple habit could be your first step towards not just dreaming about changing special education, but actually doing it – as a Master IEP Coach®

Can't wait to hear about the dreams you find,

Master IEP Coach® Mentorship, Founder

P.S. Wondering if that spark in your heart to help parents through the IEP process could actually turn into something real? I was there too. But what if this is the path you've been searching for to make a genuine difference? There's only one way to find out. Learn More

Master IEP Coach®

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