wanna do this with me?

It’s been about 25 years since the first time I ever helped a parent at the IEP table.

From that first meeting, I was hooked.

What started as helping one family, led to me helping hundreds of families, through the IEP process.

I didn’t have any fancy marketing, social media didn't exist, and my website was soooo ugly.

I didn't have all the IEP answers all the time either.

But, I did have hope, determination, clear communication, relentless research skills, and a dream.

A dream to change special education so families didn’t have to feel like my family did when they were trying to figure out special education for my brother who has Down syndrome.

A dream to change special education because I knew what it felt like to walk into a classroom, as a new teacher, and have nothing but a pat on the back from my boss who said “Everything will be fine.”

After two decades of helping parents with IEPs and financially supporting myself and my two daughters as a single mom, people started to ask…

Can you teach me to do what you do?

I said “no” for years.

But 7 years ago, I said “yes”.

That’s when Master IEP Coach® began.

A lot has changed in our Master IEP Coach® programs since the very beginning, but one thing hasn’t.

Today I have more hope and determination than ever before.

I’ve helped hundreds of Master IEP Coaches® start their own small businesses, just like I did.

Master IEP Coaches® are helping families across the country every day. Doing so much more than I ever could've done by myself.

They’re creating positive change and building IEPs by bringing parents and teachers together, collaboratively.

So I’ve got one question for you…

Want to change Special Education with me?

Go Here to See How.

With Hope and Determination Always,

Catherine Whitcher

P.S. If your heart is saying yes, but you’re not sure if this is for you. Just go check this out. It was created 100% for the busiest people I know… special education teachers, parents, admins, and therapists. Look Here

Curious Master IEP Coach® Certification?

Hmmm, so you like to read the fine print. This is where I tell you that you're receiving this email because you wanted special education resources. I've got zero cost resources and paid resources, but here's the bad news... If you unsubscribe you'll lose them all. I won't be able to deliver the things you might have paid for and you won't get any more IEP strategies on the house. I truly hope you'll stick around, even if this email wasn't your favorite. I'm confident there's something you've been waiting for coming up soon! If you really want to break up for good Unsubscribe · Preferences But, if you're looking for something specific with IEPs and I didn't cover it in this email, just hit reply and ask!

Serving Families and Schools Nationwide, Master IEP Coach® , FL 33602

Master IEP Coach®

Read more from Master IEP Coach®

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