
Master IEP Coach®

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🫣 5 mistakes new IEP advocates make

Hey Reader, Tonight, we're stepping into the no-judgment zone to tackle a topic that's a bit like eating your vegetables – not always fun, but good for you. I'm talking about mistakes. Yes, those cringe-worthy "oops" moments we all wish we could forget. In the world of IEP meetings, these blunders are practically a rite of passage. But what if I told you they don't have to be your story? It's time to pull back the curtain on the all-too-common mistakes I see new IEP advocates making over and...

Hey Reader, I'm making a private google doc that only people who receive emails from me will be able to see. (That's you!) It'll have everything you need to decide if becoming a Master IEP Coach®, Educational Consultant, or IEP Advocate is right for you. Think of it like an in-depth FAQ that you can skim through the table of contents, pick what you need to know, click, and get the answer. I'm not even going to wait until it's done to share with you. You can see the first draft tomorrow,...

Hey Reader, If you’re anything like me, you know the power of a good podcast. It’s not just background noise—it’s a classroom, a brainstorming session, a moment of inspiration. Today, I'm not just telling you about the Special Education Inner Circle… I'm giving you specific fast-paced episodes that I know you can listen to on 2x and pop the strategies right into your IEP toolbox. We’re talking the exact strategies that hundreds of Master IEP Coaches® are using right now to change IEPs...

If you're sitting at home, heart heavy with the desire to change special education, and feeling like there's no way to make a real difference, then you're in the right place. Why? Because I'm about to share something that transformed my spark of hope into a career that I never thought possible – one that's changing IEP meeting outcomes every day. I want to be crystal clear… This isn't about writing another angry email to the school or venting in parent support groups. No. It's about a...

Hey there, You know I'm all about the "real talk," in Special Education right? So, here it is: I’m setting a goal for this school year that’s got my stomach in knots. And guess what? You’re smack dab in the middle of it. Why am I telling you this? Because every big leap I've taken in changing special education for the better…. You've been there with me. And this school year’s goal? It's the biggest yet. The Goal: Guide more parents and teachers to starting their very own business as a Master...

Real Quick... enrollment for the Master IEP Coach® Mentorship is coming to a close. We start tomorrow - here's the schedule... Tomorrow get access to your Master IEP Coach® Certification library. Start watching all the videos on YOUR schedule. Every Wednesday in September join the live training at 2pm EST or watch the replay on your schedule. Do everything at your own pace and get 1:1 access to me through text/voice message to help you every step of the way! You get lifetime access to your...

So you’ve been thinking about the possibility of becoming a Master IEP Coach®, Reader. But I get it; this decision might feel like a leap into the unknown, and you've got enough decisions to make in life, right? Let me make this one easier for you. For the next 24 hours, you can get started for $49. I want to give you EVERY reason to start your journey of becoming a Master IEP Coach®. I've been doing this a loooong time (see yellow hair and less wrinkles for proof)... And I not only know how...

It’s been about 25 years since the first time I ever helped a parent at the IEP table. From that first meeting, I was hooked. What started as helping one family, led to me helping hundreds of families, through the IEP process. I didn’t have any fancy marketing, social media didn't exist, and my website was soooo ugly. I didn't have all the IEP answers all the time either. But, I did have hope, determination, clear communication, relentless research skills, and a dream. A dream to change...

Reader, About 7 years ago was sitting on my living room floor, in front of a tiny fire in the cozy condo that I just bought for me and my two daughters. (Cozy, as in super tiny, but it was ours… all ours.) It was Friday night and I was scrolling FB messages and there was another request, just like the one before it. It went something like this… “Catherine, will you please help me learn to do what you do. I want to fix things for my child’s IEP, but I don’t want to fight. My friend said you...

Until a few weeks ago, I wasn’t going to include the plug-and-play business plan that I use myself and give to seasoned Master IEP Coaches® who want to fill their calendar with parents who need IEP help. Usually, I reserve these templates for parents and teachers who have already been on their Master IEP Coach® journey for a while, but… after hearing from many that you WANT to become a Master IEP Coach®, but you’re worried about finding clients - I knew I had to include this. Just to be...